Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Joy Of Painting

I've been thinking recently about why we actually enjoy certain aspects of this hobby. I've come to the personal conclusion that, as long as your not a self-obsessed, sore loser you more than likely enjoy the gaming part of wargaming for the social interaction with people who share a common interest, or because you like to imagine yourself as a great general leading an army against an oncoming tide of darkness, or a belligerent ork warboss "yellin orderz to yer boyz" However, there is another aspect of the hobby that I couldn't come to a conclusion as to why some people enjoy it so much and why some people can't stand it. I am of course refering to painting.
   Personally I enjoy painting despite the fact that I am most certainly not the greatest painter in the world. I mainly paint to a tabletop standard and due to my incredibelly shaky hands I have had to work my painting style to match that. However, I still find sitting down with a paint brush and some paints with a lovely little miniature sitting in front of me to be a very relaxing experience. I find that as the model progresses that sense of pride I feel when looking at each stage completed is amazing. It is what encourages me to keep painting and working with the hobby. There are some people who get very disheartened about the standard of their painting, claiming that they are no good and can't paint for [ insert suitabely profane or amusing term here ] To this I can only reply the age old saying that practice makes perfect. Looking back at my very old work I am not only embaressed that I actually played a game with this stuff but also proud of how far I've actually come. However there will always be some people who either do not want to paint or find it very difficult of not impossible (various medical conditions, bad eyesight etc.) (Although interestingly enough the guy who does most of the painting for the gw store I go to is colourblind)  Due to this some people may not want to play them ( I know it sounds strange but I've seen it happen ) and that just discourages these people from playing the game. What some people fail to remember is that at the end of the day this is a hobby and thusly we each enjoy the hobby in our own way. Where some people enjoy the painting aspect, others enjoy the tournament scene and may even commision people to paint for them. So while I could answer to myself why some people enjoyed gaming I could not answer why some people enjoyed painting because painting is a very personal thing and thusly the question can only be answered by yourself.

 I hope you enjoyed that little wall of text and be sure to comment either below or on my channel as to what you enjoy the most about the hobby and why.

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                                                    Take Care.

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